LeMerch was created by Mercedes Hurtado (Merchis) who is a Venezuelan and a passionate graphic designer. Merchis, as an intuitive artist, has a very wide professional background in print design, illustrations and apparel production. Recently she was commissioned to paint two murals, displaying her natural abilities and unique, artistic style.
Several years ago, her deep searching for new opportunities lead Merchis to Sydney, Australia in order to keep developing her talent. It was in this beautiful city where Merchis felt in love not only with the magic of the place but also with the multicultural environment and it’s people as well. That’s where she met her French husband with who she started a family blessed with two lovely kids.
Before becoming a mum, Merchis spent some time seeking for her true passion and her love for illustration. One day she was spending time at home by herself and the inspiration just knocked at her door, she felt an urge to draw and she just grabbed the first thing in front of her. Suddenly she started drawing on an orange cushion with a black sharpie and the creative emotion she experienced at the time reconnected her with her passion to illustrate. Thanks to this realization, Merchis had the idea to create
“Le Merch”.
While working as a Graphic Designer in Sydney, the first attempt of the brand were T- shirts samples made overseas, unfortunately it didn’t work out as expected out of frustration with manufacturers and distance involved so the artist decided to stop for a while and look after her family. Four years and 2 kids later, while living in Bali she reconnected with her passion for illustration and decided to pursue her dream to continue with her brand.
Basically her main inspiration is based on nature, all organic, the ocean and its beautiful living beings; hence the big eyes with whale’s shapes and fish scales. She believes her work could be a window through which people can connect with nature and the essence of life. Therefore the fabrics she likes to use are all organic, the companies who she choses to work with are fair trade and she loves supporting local people.
These days she’s doing a great collaboration with Paper Clip People where she feels the freedom to express her creativity working along with awesome people.
LeMerch was created by Mercedes Hurtado (Merchis) who is a Venezuelan and a passionate graphic designer. Merchis, as an intuitive artist, has a very wide professional background in print design, illustrations and apparel production. Recently she was commissioned to paint two murals, displaying her natural abilities and unique, artistic style.
Several years ago, her deep searching for new opportunities lead Merchis to Sydney, Australia in order to keep developing her talent. It was in this beautiful city where Merchis felt in love not only with the magic of the place but also with the multicultural environment and it’s people as well. That’s where she met her French husband with who she started a family blessed with two lovely kids.
Before becoming a mum, Merchis spent some time seeking for her true passion and her love for illustration. One day she was spending time at home by herself and the inspiration just knocked at her door, she felt an urge to draw and she just grabbed the first thing in front of her. Suddenly she started drawing on an orange cushion with a black sharpie and the creative emotion she experienced at the time reconnected her with her passion to illustrate. Thanks to this realization, Merchis had the idea to create
“Le Merch”.
While working as a Graphic Designer in Sydney, the first attempt of the brand were T- shirts samples made overseas, unfortunately it didn’t work out as expected out of frustration with manufacturers and distance involved so the artist decided to stop for a while and look after her family. Four years and 2 kids later, while living in Bali she reconnected with her passion for illustration and decided to pursue her dream to continue with her brand.
Basically her main inspiration is based on nature, all organic, the ocean and its beautiful living beings; hence the big eyes with whale’s shapes and fish scales. She believes her work could be a window through which people can connect with nature and the essence of life. Therefore the fabrics she likes to use are all organic, the companies who she choses to work with are fair trade and she loves supporting local people.
These days she’s doing a great collaboration with Paper Clip People where she feels the freedom to express her creativity working along with awesome people.